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Licence Revenue Analysis (FMIS)

License Revenue Analysis report calculates the revenue split for resellers.

The report can be generated with below filters.

  1. Date
  2. Item Classification - This is the posting account of the inventory used to create the Sales Order.
  3. Reseller Rebate - This is the percentage of sale allocated to the reseller.
  4. Less Tax -This is the tax rate to be charged for resellers.
  5. Conversion Rate - This is the foreign currency exchange rate.

Notes :

  1. Sales Order needs to be processed before generating the report.

Report Calculations. Refer to figure 1

  1. Quantity, Unit Price, Line Tax and Line Total data is extracted directly from the Sales Order.
  2. Reseller Amount is calculated as "Line Total x Reseller Rebate Rate".
  3. Taxes is calculated based on the difference between "Line Total and Reseller" which is multiplied by the "Less Tax" rate.
  4. License Fee is calculated as "Line Total - Reseller Amount - Taxes "
  5. Conversion Amount is calculated as "License Fee x Conversion Rate".

Figure 1 : License Revenue Analysis Report